
【海韵讲座】2018年第36期-deepscan: exploiting deep learning for malicious account detection in location-based social networks
发布时间:2018-07-04 点击:次

题目:deepscan: exploiting deep learning for malicious account detection in location-based social networks

主讲人:yang chen,associate professor, school of computer science, fudan university



报告摘要:the widespread location-based social networks (lbsns) have immersed into our daily life. as an open platform, lbsns typically allow all kinds of users to register accounts. malicious attackers can easily join and post misleading information, often with the intention of influencing the users' decision in urban computing environments. to provide reliable information and improve the experience for legitimate users, the authors design and implement deepscan, a malicious account detection system for lbsns. different from existing approaches, deepscan leverages emerging deep learning technologies to learn users' dynamic behavior. in particular, the authors introduce the long short-term memory (lstm) neural network to conduct time series analysis of user activities. deepscan combines newly introduced time series features and a set of conventional features extracted from user activities, and exploits a supervised machine learning-based model for detection. using the real traces collected from dianping, a representative lbsn, the authors demonstrate that deepscan can achieve an excellent prediction performance with an f1-score of 0.964. the authors also find that the time series features play a critical role in the detection system.

报告人简介: yang chen is an associate professor within the school of computer science at fudan university. he leads the mobile systems and networking (msn) group since 2014. he received his b.s. and ph.d. degrees from the department of electronic engineering of tsinghua university, in 2004 and 2009, respectively. he was a postdoctoral associate at the department of computer science of duke university, and was a research associate at the institute of computer science of the university of goettingen. his research interests include online social networks, internet architecture and mobile computing. he is serving as an editorial board member of the transactions on emerging telecommunications technologies (ett) and ieee access. he served as an oc / tpc member for several international conferences, including sosp, www, ijcai, aaai, iwqos and icccn. he published more than 50 referred papers in international journals and conferences, including ieee tpds, ieee tmc, ieee tsc, ieee tnsm, ieee communications magazine, middleware, infocom, icdcs, icde, cikm and iwqos.


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